Surrender to Love and master all:
The enemy’s threat is removed, when he ceases to be the enemy.
Embody Love and you will transcend all:
What place can fear or hate have in Its presence?
The greatest possible force lies around and within.
Love not for profit, but for Love’s sake:
True Love cannot be used selfishly.
Love is the end, not the means.
your crankin these things out and they're awesome! maybe you should be in charge of the writing and i will just be in charge of the thinking.
haha..i think john just said that you don't think well : )
you may be right...but then again i'm not the one doing the thinking so who knows?
I think of all the poetry you've put up (from a purely aesthetic perspective) this is the best. The first stanza is very good. It has a nice rhythm and uses a real poetry of language. Some of the other stuff, like "Be" for instance, reads too technical, too matter of fact. Maybe that is your style, but it seems to me that you convey your meaning (point?) well, but not necessarily in a truly poetic manner.
True, I am no fan of blank verse or free form, or anything like that, but I know you have a romantic down inside you. Dig him up. Use the language...English can be beautiful and you know it.
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