Monday, March 21, 2011

Be Here Now

Be here now

Streams whisper it in the trickling water,
But it is drowned out by passing cars

Rain taps it out on fields everywhere,
And it is silenced by louder noise.

Plants exude it:
As life-giving as oxygen;
It is choked out by the weeds of distraction
-Of ‘everyday life.’

Yet the still small voice exists
For those that abide it.

“Be Here Now”

Acknowledge its truth,
And live as you were meant to live:
Being rather than doing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011



A good philosopher is skeptical;
A great philosopher keeps an open mind.
“It can’t be done” and “it hasn’t yet been done”
What a difference between the two!

One suggests impossibility
While the other creates opportunity.

Optimism is the seed from which hope and peace grow;
Cultivate it with patience and solitude,
And the spirit will grow to be fruitful.